Other popular Notifications workflows and automations
Get the weather forecast every day at 7:00 AM
Receive a notification when someone you're subscribed to uploads a new video
Sunset Notification
Reddit - New posts in subreddit notification
Receive a notification when the temperature drops below a certain threshold
Get a notification ~15 minutes before your next GCal event starts
Receive a notification when the U.S. President signs a new bill into law
Phone Locator (using Alexa & Macrodroid)
Get a notification when the International Space Station passes over your house
Useful Notifications and SMS integrations
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Send a notification from the IFTTT app
This action will send a notification to your devices from the IFTTT app.
Send me an SMS
This Action will send an SMS to your mobile phone.
Send a rich notification from the IFTTT app
This action will send a rich notification to your devices from the IFTTT app. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.
Send a rich notification to the IFTTT mobile widget
This action will send a rich notification to IFTTT mobile widget installed on your devices. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.

Notifications and SMS resources

4 Gmail automations to reduce context switching
IFTTT brings you the best Gmail automations and interrogations to increase productivity and decrease context switching.

Guide to automating iOS and Android devices
Your smartphone and wearable devices work better with IFTTT. Our free mobile apps make it easy to use all of our features with ease and give you complete control of your automations whenever and wherever. We are the leading low code auto...

6 SMS automations for helpful notifications
Make the most of your daily notifications by adding sms automations from IFTTT.

Best email apps for Android in 2025
Best Email Apps for Android in 2025

Stay connected with LINE
Using IFTTT, LINE users can connect various services and devices in new, powerful ways. Not only can this help streamline your notifications, but it can elevate your experiences by allowing you to get the information you want, when and w...

4 best scheduling apps for small businesses in 2025
Are you looking to make the most out of scheduling for your small business? IFTTT is here to help. Check out this blog where we discuss the best scheduling softwares and IFTTT automations that make it seamless.

How to automate text messages on iPhone
Click to learn how to automate text messages on iPhone with IFTTT.

Reddit automations to keep the Karma flowing
Click to learn how to automate Reddit and more Reddit automations!

Unveiling the best email apps for iPhone in 2025
The best email apps for iPhone in 2025. Click to learn more!