Log the exchange rate every day
Popular Google Docs workflows & automations
Keep track of a stock's price at close in a Google spreadsheet
Save all your contacts
Creates a log when you arrive and leave work
Save favorite Spotify songs in a Google Drive document
YouTube to Google Drive
When a SMS is sent, save it to a Google drive document (each contact gets its own doc)
Sync Evernote notebook to Google Drive
RSS To Gdrive
Save all your liked (favorited) tweets to a Google Doc
Backup your iPhone contacts to single Google Document
From camera to Google Drive
Google Doc of Sent Text
Add Google Docs to your lifestyle analytics with Welltory
When files are added into a specific Dropbox folder they will be copied into your Google Drive
Generate a draft blog post for a topic
WordPress to GDrive
Log great quotes in a spreadsheet
Twitter Hashtag to GDoc
Send Pocket articles to Google Drive (and create new docs)
Save NASA Photos to Drive
save new laws in a google doc
New Like From Spotify, then add to Google Drive
Generate an outline for a topic
SMS history
Blogger to GDrive
Meeting Assistant: generate action items, takeaways, and a summary from meeting notes
Twitter to Google Drive
Archive notes in Google Drive when you label them with a specific tag
Place Tracking
Save on GDoc any SMS from contact
Make a Facebook Journal in Google Drive
Save your Google Docs to Dropbox
Create a new document with a photo
Saved Feedly Article to Drive as Document
Saved Reddit Posts as Google Docs
Log solar wattage on google drive
Wordpress Backup to Google Drive
Saved to Gdrive
Whenever I add a YouTube video idea to the note widget, create a Google Doc with the script outline
Google Drive Time Capsule
Log extreme temperature values to Google Drive
Collect all your tweets in a document
Upload Team Zooms to Google Drive
reddit save to drive
Evernote to Drive