Weather Applets have been run over one billion times by IFTTT users around the world. Weather Underground is the powerhouse behind IFTTT’s weather service. Consider how frequently you turn to the weather outside to make a choice. What are you going to wear to work? Is today a good day to take the kids to the park? Should I water the grass tonight?
Integrate your favorite services and devices with weather updates to inform the temperature in your home using smart home technology or as your secret tool to keep your garden green (we won’t tell). By using weather as a trigger for what happens inside your home, you can reduce your electricity consumption and keep your space at an ideal setting.
Our most popular Weather Underground Applets are tailored daily weather reports.
Custom weather notification
If you are looking to receive reminders for weather or get the forecast directly to your phone, IFTTT Applets are perfect for you. Choose the time and the platform on which you want to receive the information, and you can even change your notfications to only happen when specific conditions are in the forease.
Help your family get ready in the morning by changing the color of your smart lights as a visual cue to put on an extra jacket, or get a phone call if you need to remember to cover your plants before the temperature dips below freezing.
Another popular Applets helps you automatically save for your next holiday every time it rains or snows.
Weather report button
Tomorrow's weather report (Celsius)
Rain tomorrow? Get a mobile notification
Get the weather forecast every day at 7:00 AM
Cold tomorrow? Notify me!
If it begins to rain then change the light colors to blue
Every day at 6 AM, add today's weather report to your calendar
Save for a holiday whenever it rains
Smart home owners
Using IFTTT’s Weather Underground triggers can be a great way to conserve energy while maintaining your perfect home environment. Smart lights can be triggered on cloudy days or turn on automatically after the sun sets. Alternatively, you can modify your home’s heating and cooling settings or turn on a fan based on the outdoor temperature.
Using SwitchBot, MyCurtains, or NeoBlinds, you can also modify the settings of your curtains throughout the day. Wake up with the sunrise as your curtains are drawn to let the first rays of sun in, or draw the blinds to keep your house cool.
Blink your Hue lights when it starts to rain outside
If it rises above ___ degrees outside then turn your A/C on
Current weather change? Activate a scene on Smart Life
Automatically turn your lights on at sunset
Control light or accessory based on your local sunrise and sunset
Turn your lights on at sunset
Smart gardeners
Whether it’s Husqavarna helping you mow the grass, or Rachio watering the plants, the choices you make in your yard are heavily affected by the weather. If it rains, you could be putting your smart mower at risk or create a muddy mess if it runs. Delay watering your grass based on the weather to conserve water usage, reduce your monthly water bill, and avoid flooding your yard.
Park Husqvarna Automower® when rainy
Rachio Summer Climate Monitor
Do not water my yard if Weather Underground forecasts rain tomorrow
Health and weather
Allergy sufferers and UV-conscious outdoor enthusiasts can make informed decisions with daily reports on UV and pollen levels.
Receive a notification if there is a high pollen count in your area
Get a notification reminder to put on sunscreen when the UV index is high
Using filter code with Weather
IFTTT Pro+ users can do more with filter code and queries. Popular filter code combinations with Weather include the ability to specify the hours between which an action will occur, such as limiting sprinkler hours or keeping lights off at night. Check out Pro+ and get a week free here.
let currentHour = Meta.currentUserTime.hour();
let currentMin = Meta.currentUserTime.minute();
if ((currentHour >= 22 && currentMin >=30) || (currentHour >=0 && currentHour <= 5)) { } else {Kasa.turnOn.skip("Not after 10:30pm OR Not between 12am-5am"); // You can pass a message to skip() and it will be recorded in the Applet's // activity feed when an action is skipped. This is useful for debugging. }
This filter code can be used if you only want to receive notifications on weekdays, unless it’s raining.
// Filter code that demonstrates Meta.currentUserTime // and logic to skip actions on weekends // 0 is for Sunday and 6 is for Saturday
let currentDay =; let currentCondition = Weather.twoDayForecast[0].Condition;
if (currentDay == 0 || currentDay == 6) { IfNotifications.sendNotification.skip(); }
else if (currentCondition == "Rainy") { IfNotifications.sendNotification.setMessage("Nice work achieving the goal on a rainy day"); }
Weather automations in action
Want to do even more with IFTTT and weather? Explore the possibilities and create powerful experiences by making your own Applets. Get started!