Always be prepared for what’s outside with Weather Underground’s hyperlocal data and IFTTT’s powerful notification services. Using weather data to inform your IoT devices can help them run more efficiently and be a powerful way to control your smart home. Just as the temperature and conditions help you determine what to wear, they also inform the choices you make about the indoor temperature, gardening decisions, and lighting settings.
Fine-tune your smart home automatically with IFTTT and weather.
Physical notifications
Using smart lights to communicate the weather can be both fun and informative. Use these Applets to remind your kids to bring their rain jacket or to ensure you never forget to wear sunscreen.
Blink your Hue lights when it starts to rain outside
Change the light to blue if it starts to rain
Current weather change? Activate a scene on Smart Life
Change the color of your lights when it starts raining
Save for a holiday whenever it rains
Smart home temperature settings
Monitor and maintain the ideal indoor temperatures based on the weather. Using the “Current temperature drops below” or “Current temperature rises above” triggers, you can rest assured knowing your pipes won’t freeze or that you won’t return to a too-hot house after work. These Applets are also ideal for property managers who can maintain their properties from afar.
If it rises above ___ degrees outside then turn your A/C on
Change indoor unit 1 when outside temp rises above
Low Outside Temp Heating Boost
Turn on your ceiling fan when the weather's hot
Home settings and routines
Sunrise and sunset triggers are perfect for creating home routines and settings throughout the day. Automatically open the blinds in the morning and turn on your porch lights in the evening.
Automatically turn your lights on at sunset
Control light or accessory based on your local sunrise and sunset
Arm at sunset
Turn your lights on at sunset
Turn on Smart Life device at sunset
Turn on your light at sunset
Smart gardening
Smart garden and outdoor devices can assist you in maintaining a yard that will be the envy of your neighborhood. With weather Applets, you can stop questioning whether you are over- or under-watering your plants. Skip mowing your lawn if it just rained and only start your sprinklers when the sun is down to avoid scorching your grass.