Other popular Threads workflows and automations
Posted a new video on YouTube? Share it to Threads!
When a calendar event starts titled "Threads Post", post the content in the description to Threads
Automatically share your Facebook photo posts to Threads
Threads backup to OneNote and OneDrive
Save your Threads post to a Google Spreadsheet
Automatically share your Facebook text posts to Threads
Tailor your Threads post for LinkedIn!
Share your Threads posts to Discord automatically
If any new Threads post by you, then Create a link post on Kingdom Passive Income Arena
Useful Threads and YouTube integrations
Triggers (If this)
New video from search
This Trigger fires every time a video is published that matches a search query.
Any new post by you
This trigger fires when you post any new post on Threads.
New liked video
This Trigger fires every time you like a video on YouTube.
New text post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new text post on Threads.
You subscribe to a channel
This trigger fires when a new subscription is made by you, or another specific channel.
New image post by you
This trigger fires when you post a new image post on Threads.
New video by channel
This Trigger fires every time a specific channel publishes a video.
New video post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new video post.
New playlist
This trigger fires when a new playlist is created by a specific channel.
New carousel post by you
This triggers fire when you post a new carousel (multiple media) post.
New public video uploaded by you
This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public video to YouTube.
New public video from subscriptions
This Trigger fires every time a specific user you are subscribed to makes a new video public.
New Super Chat message
This trigger fires when there is a new Super Chat message in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.
New channel membership
This trigger fires when there is a new membership for your channel.
New Super Sticker
This trigger fires when there is a new Super Sticker in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.

Queries (With)
History of liked videos
This query returns a list of every time you like a video on YouTube.
Get followers count
This query returns the number of followers on your Threads profile.
History of public videos uploaded by you
This query returns a list of every time you upload a new public video to YouTube.
History of public videos from subscriptions
This query returns a list of every time a specific user you are subscribed to makes a new video public.
History of channel memberships
This query returns a list of when there is a new membership for your channel.
History of Super Chat messages
This query returns a list of when there is a new Super Chat message in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.
History of Super Stickers
This query returns a list of when there is a new Super Sticker in a live chat during a live stream on your channel.
Get paid members
This query returns paid members for a channel.
Search for videos
This query returns a list of videos that match search criteria.
List playlist videos
This query returns a list of videos from a specified playlist.
List subscriptions
This query returns a list of subscriptions of a specified channel.
List playlists
This query returns a list of playlists for a specified channel.

Actions (Then that)
Create a text post
This action will create a text post on Threads.
Upload video from URL
This action will publish a video or Short from a given URL to your YouTube channel. Video will be uploaded as a Short or regular video based on the video length and aspect ratio.
Create a link post
This action will create a link post on Threads.
Create an image post
This action will create an image post on Threads.
Create a video post
This action will create a video post on Threads.
Create a carousel (multiple media) post
This action will create a carousel (multiple media) post on Threads. At least two items are required in the carousel.

Threads and YouTube resources

How to export Reddit to Google Sheets automatically
Stop losing track of your favorite reddit threads - Set up a Reddit to Sheets integration in minutes with IFTTT.

Introducing the AI Twitter Assistant
Introducing the Twitter AI Assistant - New Twitter automation tool

Introducing our new service: Threads
Introducing our newest service, Threads! Now you can connect Threads to 1000 services on IFTTT. Automate your social posting, archive your Threads, or use AI to post to Threads! Click to learn more.

Top Discord automations of 2025
Discord is a great way to connect with different communities around the world. Using IFTTT, you can automate notifications or share the latest updates from other sources. Whether you want to share your latest YouTube video as soon as it ...

How to build an online community with the tree method
Click to learn how to build an online community with the Tree Method

Reddit Recap: How to see your Reddit 2024 year in review
Reddit Recap is a tool which allows Reddit users to review their activities on Reddit in the past year. It's designed with intuitive navigation so that anyone can access the data they need quickly and easily.