This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public video to YouTube.
Developer info
- API endpoint slug
- youtube.new_video_uploaded_yt
Trigger fields
No fields for this trigger
Created at Date and time event was created.
- Slug
- created_at
- Filter code
- Youtube.newVideoUploadedYt.CreatedAt
- Type
- Date with time (ISO8601)
- Example
- 2020-07-08T04:17:06+05:00
Title The video title.
- Slug
- title
- Filter code
- Youtube.newVideoUploadedYt.Title
- Type
- String
- Example
- Vamos a la playa
Description Video description.
- Slug
- description
- Filter code
- Youtube.newVideoUploadedYt.Description
- Type
- String
- Example
- A really cool video
Url The video url.
- Slug
- url
- Filter code
- Youtube.newVideoUploadedYt.Url
- Type
- Web URL
- Example
Alternative url An alternative URL you can use if the original URL doesn't work with your action.
- Slug
- alternative_url
- Filter code
- Youtube.newVideoUploadedYt.AlternativeUrl
- Type
- Web URL
- Example
Author name Video author's name.
- Slug
- author_name
- Filter code
- Youtube.newVideoUploadedYt.AuthorName
- Type
- String
- Example
- Righeira
Embed code The HTML embed code for the video.
- Slug
- embed_code
- Filter code
- Youtube.newVideoUploadedYt.EmbedCode
- Type
- String
- Example
- <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="
Https embed code The https:// HTML embed code for the video.
- Slug
- https_embed_code
- Filter code
- Youtube.newVideoUploadedYt.HttpsEmbedCode
- Type
- String
- Example
- <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="