This trigger fires when a new photo post belonging to the specified Tumblelog is created.
- API endpoint slug
- tumblr.new_photo_post
Trigger fields
- Label
- Tumblelog
- Helper text
- Enter the tumblelog name that this trigger should fire for
- Slug
- tumblelog
- Required
- true
- Can have default value
- false
- Slug
- post_body_text
- Filter code
- Tumblr.newPhotoPost.PostBodyText
- Type
- String
- Example
- This is the body of a post. Neat.
- Slug
- url
- Filter code
- Tumblr.newPhotoPost.Url
- Type
- Web URL
- Example
- Slug
- post_body_html
- Filter code
- Tumblr.newPhotoPost.PostBodyHtml
- Type
- String
- Example
- <figure class="tmblr-full"><img src=""></figure><p>This is an HTML body.</p>
- Slug
- thumbnail_url
- Filter code
- Tumblr.newPhotoPost.ThumbnailUrl
- Type
- Web URL
- Example
- Slug
- full_image_url
- Filter code
- Tumblr.newPhotoPost.FullImageUrl
- Type
- Image URL
- Example
- Slug
- post_tags
- Filter code
- Tumblr.newPhotoPost.PostTags
- Type
- String
- Example
- Sky,Earth,Wind,Fire
- Slug
- post_id
- Filter code
- Tumblr.newPhotoPost.PostId
- Type
- String
- Example
- 123456789
- Slug
- tumblelog
- Filter code
- Tumblr.newPhotoPost.Tumblelog
- Type
- String
- Example
- staff
- Slug
- created_at
- Filter code
- Tumblr.newPhotoPost.CreatedAt
- Type
- Date with time (ISO8601)
- Example
- 2020-07-08T04:17:06+05:00