This trigger fires when a new customer is created.
Developer info
- API endpoint slug
- stripe.new_customer_created
Trigger fields
No fields for this trigger
Name The name of the customer
- Slug
- name
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Name
- Type
- String
- Example
- John Doe
Email The email of the customer
- Slug
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Email
- Type
- String
- Example
Description The description of the customer
- Slug
- description
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Description
- Type
- String
- Example
- description
Url The url of the customer
- Slug
- url
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Url
- Type
- String
- Example
Phone The phone of the customer
- Slug
- phone
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Phone
- Type
- String
- Example
- +15555555555
Currency The currency of the customer
- Slug
- currency
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Currency
- Type
- String
- Example
- usd
Balance formatted The balance of the customer, formatted as USD.
- Slug
- balance_formatted
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.BalanceFormatted
- Type
- String
- Example
- $100.00
Balance The balance of the customer, in cents.
- Slug
- balance
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Balance
- Type
- String
- Example
- 10000
Billing address line1 First line of the billing address
- Slug
- billing_address_line1
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.BillingAddressLine1
- Type
- String
- Example
- 2338 Test Drive
Billing address line2 Second line of the billing address
- Slug
- billing_address_line2
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.BillingAddressLine2
- Type
- String
- Example
- Apt 1
Billing address city City of the billing address
- Slug
- billing_address_city
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.BillingAddressCity
- Type
- String
- Example
- Moscow
Billing address state State of the billing address
- Slug
- billing_address_state
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.BillingAddressState
- Type
- String
- Example
- ID
Billing address country Country of the billing address
- Slug
- billing_address_country
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.BillingAddressCountry
- Type
- String
- Example
- US
Billing address postal code Postal code of the billing address
- Slug
- billing_address_postal_code
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.BillingAddressPostalCode
- Type
- String
- Example
- 83843
Shipping address line1 First line of the shipping address
- Slug
- shipping_address_line1
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.ShippingAddressLine1
- Type
- String
- Example
- 2338 Test Drive
Shipping address line2 Second line of the shipping address
- Slug
- shipping_address_line2
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.ShippingAddressLine2
- Type
- String
- Example
- Apt 1
Shipping address city City of the shipping address
- Slug
- shipping_address_city
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.ShippingAddressCity
- Type
- String
- Example
- Moscow
Shipping address state State of the shipping address
- Slug
- shipping_address_state
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.ShippingAddressState
- Type
- String
- Example
- ID
Shipping address country Country of the shipping address
- Slug
- shipping_address_country
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.ShippingAddressCountry
- Type
- String
- Example
- US
Shipping address postal code Postal code of the shipping address
- Slug
- shipping_address_postal_code
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.ShippingAddressPostalCode
- Type
- String
- Example
- 83843
Id The ID of the customer
- Slug
- id
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Id
- Type
- String
- Example
- cus_aaaaa
Livemode Is the customer live
- Slug
- livemode
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Livemode
- Type
- String
- Example
- true
Created The created date of the customer
- Slug
- created
- Filter code
- Stripe.newCustomerCreated.Created
- Type
- Date with time (ISO8601)
- Example
- 2020-07-08T04:17:06+05:00