This query returns a list of when a new weekly summary becomes available (usually at midnight in your local timezone).
Developer info
- API endpoint slug
- rescuetime.history_of_weekly_summaries_available
- Runtime method
- performQuery("rescuetime.history_of_weekly_summaries_available"}
Query fields
No fields for this query
Date The date of the summary.
- Slug
- date
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.Date
- Type
- Date (ISO8601)
- Example
- 2020-07-07
Date for urls A machine readable date that can be used in URLs.
- Slug
- date_for_urls
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.DateForUrls
- Type
- String
- Example
- 2015-01-31
Total time The total time logged.
- Slug
- total_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.TotalTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 8h 30m
All productive time The total 'productive' and 'very productive' time logged.
- Slug
- all_productive_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.AllProductiveTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 3h 30m
Very productive time The total 'very productive' time logged.
- Slug
- very_productive_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.VeryProductiveTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
Productive time The total 'productive' time logged.
- Slug
- productive_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.ProductiveTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 3h 30m
Neutral time The total 'neutral' time logged.
- Slug
- neutral_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.NeutralTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
Distracting time The total 'distracting' time logged.
- Slug
- distracting_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.DistractingTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 3h 30m
Very distracting time The total 'very distracting' time logged.
- Slug
- very_distracting_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.VeryDistractingTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
All distracting time The total 'distracting' and 'very distracting' time logged.
- Slug
- all_distracting_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.AllDistractingTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
Uncategorized time The total 'uncategorized' time logged.
- Slug
- uncategorized_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.UncategorizedTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
Business time The total 'business' time logged.
- Slug
- business_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.BusinessTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 3h 30m
Communication and scheduling time The total 'communication and scheduling' time logged.
- Slug
- communication_and_scheduling_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.CommunicationAndSchedulingTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
Social networking time The total 'social networking' time logged.
- Slug
- social_networking_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.SocialNetworkingTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
Design and composition time The total 'design and composition' time logged.
- Slug
- design_and_composition_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.DesignAndCompositionTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 3h 30m
Entertainment time The total 'entertainment' time logged.
- Slug
- entertainment_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.EntertainmentTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 3h 30m
News time The total 'news' time logged.
- Slug
- news_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.NewsTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
Software development time The total 'software development' time.
- Slug
- software_development_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.SoftwareDevelopmentTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 3h 30m
Reference and learning time The total 'reference and learning' time logged.
- Slug
- reference_and_learning_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.ReferenceAndLearningTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 3h 30m
Shopping time The total 'shopping' time logged.
- Slug
- shopping_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.ShoppingTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
Utilities time The total 'utilities' time logged.
- Slug
- utilities_time
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.UtilitiesTime
- Type
- String
- Example
- 30m 30s
Productivity pulse The average Productivity score for the week.
- Slug
- productivity_pulse
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.ProductivityPulse
- Type
- String
- Example
- 75
Report url The URL to the full summary report
- Slug
- report_url
- Filter code
- Rescuetime.historyOfWeeklySummariesAvailable.ReportUrl
- Type
- Web URL
- Example
- E.g.