If new starred article on Inoreader, send to Pocket.
markepstein’s Applets
Price mistake on slickdeals forum
Instapaper to Pocket
If an iPhone app goes from paid to free, save an entry in a Google Drive spreadsheet
New Netflix release, add a row to spreadsheet in Google Drive
If new broadcasted article on Inoreader, then save to Pocket.
If new liked article on Inoreader, then save to Pocket.
If any new photo taken by my phone, then append to a note in Evernote
Every Saturday and Sunday at 12:30 AM, then mute phone ringtone
Every weekday at 11:45 PM, mute phone ringtone
If new video added to Watch Later, then Append to a note in hepmusic's Evernote
Get all updates to IFTTT by email.
Daily Fitbit activity summary emailed to me.
Track your Fitbit sleep logs in a Google spreadsheet
Email me a digest of my #Instagram posts every morning.
Send me an email digest of news about the Red Sox every morning.
Send me an email digest of my #Feedly articles saved for later every morning.
Send me an email digest of my #Instagram posts every week.
Send me an email digest of #Instapaper articles every morning.
Send me an email digest of #Pocket articles every morning.
Send #Instapaper items to #Pinboard
#Feedly articles saved for later, save to #Instapaper
Send #Instapaper items to #Diigo
Send #Pocket items to #Diigo
Send #Instapaper items to #OneNote
#Feedly articles saved for later, save to #Instapaper
Any item sent to Pocket, add to a document in Dropbox
Send #Pocket items to #Pinboard
Facebook link posts sent to Pocket
If any new item added to Pocket, then append to a document in #Google Drive
Save Pocket items to a text file in Dropbox
Rain tomorrow? Get an IF Notification
Note to self
Send #Instagram posts to #Dropbox
Save #Facebook photos I'm tagged in to #Evernote
iOS #photos to one note in #Evernote
When a photo is taken in the area, send an email
Add #Facebook link posts to #Pinboard
Notify me if wind speed rises above 19 mph blowing in any direction.
Send a notification to me if it is raining outside.
If tomorrow’s forecast calls for rain, then send a notification
send favorite #tweets to one #Evernote note
Track Foursquare check-ins (w/ Maps) in a Google Drive Spreadsheet
If I add something to #Pocket, put it in #OmniFocus
Send articles from Pocket to OneNote
Siri to Evernote
Wake-up call
instagram to dropbox
If any new task added to Toodledo, send to OmniFocus
If I add something to pocket, put it in OmniFocus
New item added to #Pocket, then create a page in #OneNote
Auto Diary of Foursquare check-ins
Feedly save for later to Evernote archive
Archive my Foursquare check-ins in one Evernote note.
Check reminders by email
soundcloud favorite to dropbox
Send New York Times artcles about the Red Sox to a single note in #Evernote
Send my #tweets to one #Evernote note
500px public photos to one Evernote note