Adjust room temperature with Alexa
honeywell’s Applets
When pollution is high, set fan to on
Automatically turn your Honeywell Lyric fan on when Foobot senses pollution is high
Set your Lyric Thermostat at a certain time
Automatically turn on A/C if the temperature gets too hot
Every day at 5pm set my thermostat to 72° Fahrenheit
Set thermostat to 72° Fahrenheit for 2 hours when you arrive home (Android Version)
Set your Honeywell thermostat to a specific temperature if the temperature outside drops
Every day at 6pm set your thermostat to 72° Fahrenheit for 2 hours
If every day at 05:00 PM, then set a zone temperature
If You enter an area, then set a zone temperature
If phone call to ____________, then enable a quick action
If new SMS sent matches "Disable", then disable a quick action
If new SMS sent matches "Quickaction", then enable a quick action
If sunrise, then set a zone temperature
If you exit an area, then disable a quick action
If every day at 05:15 PM, then disable a quick action
If every day at 05:15 PM, then disable a quick action
Change temperature at this time
Every day at __:__ turn the hot water on
Every day at __:__ turn the hot water off
If I disconnect from my WiFi, then enable a quick action
If current temperature rises above 21°C, then enable a quick action
If current temperature drops below 10°C, then disable a quick action
If you exit an area turn on quick action
If you enter an area, then disable a quick action
If you enter an area then turn your heating on to schedule
If you exit an area then turn your heating off