This Trigger fires every time a reminder is due.
Developer info
- API endpoint slug
- followupcc.reminder_due
Trigger fields
No fields for this trigger
To address The address the reminder will be sent to.
- Slug
- send_reminder_to
- Filter code
- Followupcc.reminderDue.ToAddress
- Type
- String
- Example
From address The Address that created the Reminder.
- Slug
- from_address
- Filter code
- Followupcc.reminderDue.FromAddress
- Type
- String
- Example
Subject The subject of the reminder.
- Slug
- subject
- Filter code
- Followupcc.reminderDue.Subject
- Type
- String
- Example
- Drink a glass of water
Body The html body of the email reminder.
- Slug
- body
- Filter code
- Followupcc.reminderDue.Body
- Type
- String
- Example
- <p>Test body</p>
Web url The direct link to the reminder on
- Slug
- web_url
- Filter code
- Followupcc.reminderDue.WebUrl
- Type
- String
- Example
Due at The time the reminder is due to be sent.
- Slug
- starts_at_display_time
- Filter code
- Followupcc.reminderDue.DueAt
- Type
- String
- Example
- Sunday, Dec 6 2014 at 9:18 PM
Created at Date and time the reminder was created.
- Slug
- created_at
- Filter code
- Followupcc.reminderDue.CreatedAt
- Type
- Date with time (ISO8601)
- Example
- 2020-07-08T04:17:06+05:00