This query returns a list of when you have achieved your daily distance goal.
Developer info
- API endpoint slug
- fitbit.history_of_when_the_daily_distance_goal_was_achieved
- Runtime method
- performQuery("fitbit.history_of_when_the_daily_distance_goal_was_achieved"}
Query fields
No fields for this query
Distance goal Your daily distance goal
- Slug
- DistanceGoal
- Filter code
- Fitbit.historyOfWhenTheDailyDistanceGoalWasAchieved.DistanceGoal
- Type
- String
- Example
- 4.0
Distance Distance you have traveled
- Slug
- Distance
- Filter code
- Fitbit.historyOfWhenTheDailyDistanceGoalWasAchieved.Distance
- Type
- String
- Example
- 5.0
Distance unit Unit of measurement
- Slug
- DistanceUnit
- Filter code
- Fitbit.historyOfWhenTheDailyDistanceGoalWasAchieved.DistanceUnit
- Type
- String
- Example
- kilometer
Date achieved Date you achieved your distance goal
- Slug
- DateAchieved
- Filter code
- Fitbit.historyOfWhenTheDailyDistanceGoalWasAchieved.DateAchieved
- Type
- Date (ISO8601)
- Example
- 2020-07-07