Smart home

New capabilities with Google Assistant and IFTTT

By The IFTTT Team

August 02, 2024

New capabilities with Google Assistant and IFTTT

There’s some exciting functionality with the new Google Assistant service on IFTTT.

Create Google Routines that execute IFTTT Applets.

With the new Google Assistant service on IFTTT, you can now create applets on IFTTT that can be executed in your Google Home app as part of routines. This gives you the ability to schedule one or more IFTTT applets alongside other items in your Google Home ecosystem.

This not only gives your Google Home routines access to all the services on IFTTT, but also allows for increased functionality and customization options in your IFTTT applets.

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Watch the tutorial below for a step-by-step walk-through.


  1. Start by connecting to the Google Assistant service on IFTTT.
  2. Create a new Applet on IFTTT and choose Google Assistant V2 as the trigger service.
  3. Set the trigger as ‘activate scene’, name your scene, tap ‘continue’.
  4. Add your preferred Actions from your favorite services and tap ‘continue’.
  5. Name your Applet and tap ‘finish’.
  6. Close out your Google Home app and restart it.
  7. Go to settings > Google Assistant > manage all assistant setting > routines.
  8. Create a routine activated by a voice command phrase.
  9. Add an action > adjust home devices > adjust scene > select the scene from your IFTTT Applet.
  10. Tap done, then save.

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Discover Google Assistant applets