Save an image to Pocket for later
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Pocket workflows and automations
Save popular NYTimes articles to Pocket
Save the Facebook links you post to your Pocket queue for viewing later
Send starred articles to Pocket
Add each favorite article as PDF to Google Drive
Automatically sync the top posts from /r/worldnews on Reddit to your Pocket queue
Add your Pocket reading list to Todoist
YT Like to Pocket
Save archived items in Pocket to Evernote
Useful Pocket and Sendie integrations
Triggers (If this)
Any new item
This Trigger fires every time any new item is added to Pocket.
New post by you
This trigger fires when you make a new public post. Does not fire when you reply, re-post, or post to a room.
New item tagged
This Trigger fires every time you tag an item with a specific tag in Pocket.
New post to room
This trigger fires when anyone posts to a specific room
New favorite item
This Trigger fires every time you favorite an item in Pocket.
New item archived
This Trigger fires every time an item is archived in Pocket.

Any new item
This Trigger fires every time any new item is added to Pocket.

New post by you
This trigger fires when you make a new public post. Does not fire when you reply, re-post, or post to a room.

New item tagged
This Trigger fires every time you tag an item with a specific tag in Pocket.

New post to room
This trigger fires when anyone posts to a specific room

New favorite item
This Trigger fires every time you favorite an item in Pocket.

New item archived
This Trigger fires every time an item is archived in Pocket.
Actions (Then that)
Create a new post
This action will create a new public post.
Save for later
This Action will add a new item to your Pocket queue. NOTE: If using an RSS feed Trigger, please limit the number of Pocket saves to no more than a few hundred per week
Create new post in room
This action will post inside of a room you are a member of.

Create a new post
This action will create a new public post.

Save for later
This Action will add a new item to your Pocket queue. NOTE: If using an RSS feed Trigger, please limit the number of Pocket saves to no more than a few hundred per week

Create new post in room
This action will post inside of a room you are a member of.
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