Save to Pocket, then add note to Histre
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Other popular Histre workflows and automations
Save your favorite tweets to Histre
Save your Instapaper note to Histre
Save your YouTube likes to Histre
If New tweet from search for Filosofia , then add note to Histre
Save your Evernote to Histre
If New video from search, then add note to Histre
emiratesebcs blog 2nd tier
Useful Histre and Weebly integrations
Triggers (If this)
Site publish
This Trigger fires every time you publish your Weebly website.
Product sale
This Trigger fires every time a new sale occurs on your website.
Blog comment
This Trigger fires every time someone posts a comment to a specific blog.
Form submission
This Trigger fires every time you receive a new form submission.

Site publish
This Trigger fires every time you publish your Weebly website.

Product sale
This Trigger fires every time a new sale occurs on your website.

Blog comment
This Trigger fires every time someone posts a comment to a specific blog.

Form submission
This Trigger fires every time you receive a new form submission.
Queries (With)
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