Calendar based Azaan routine on Alexa
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Other popular Alexa Actions by mkZense workflows and automations
- Alexa Actions when everyone leaves
- Bateria 15%
- Motion is detected on Wyze Cam , then send IFTTTrigger-2 action to your Alexa device
- HumidityNormal action
- If the Broadlink "EnterHome" is pressed, then send trigger "EnterHome" to Alexa
- If temperature rises above 32°F, then send IFTTTrigger-Temp-AboveFrz action to your Alexa device
- If New motion is detected by Camera: Living room, ask Alexa to play your Sparks playlist.
- If temperature drops below 33°F, then send IFTTTrigger-Temp-Below-Frz action to your Alexa device
Useful Alexa Actions by mkZense and Home Connect Cooktop integrations
Triggers (If this)
- Cooktop turned onThis trigger fires every time your cooktop is turned on.
- Cooktop turned offThis trigger fires every time your cooktop is turned off.
- Cooktop heating startedThis trigger fires every time your cooktop starts heating.
- Cooktop clock timer elapsedThis trigger fires every time the clock timer on your cooktop has elapsed.
- Cooking sensor battery emptyThis trigger fires every time the cooking sensor battery is empty.
- Child lock deactivatedThis triggers fires every time the child lock has deactivated.
- Cooktop favorite button (short press)This trigger fires every time the cooktop favorite button is short (<3s) pressed.
- Cooktop favorite button (long press)This trigger fires every time the cooktop favorite button is long (>3s) pressed
Queries (With)
- History of cooktop heating startsThis query returns a list of when your cooktop started heating.
- History of cooking sensor battery emptyThis query returns a list of when the cooking sensor battery was empty.
- History of child lock deactivationsThis querys returns a list of when the child lock was deactivated.
- History of cooktop turned onThis query returns a list of when your cooktop was turned on.
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