This Action will launch Google Maps Navigation on your Android device and begin turn-by-turn guidance to the destination you specify.
- API endpoint slug
- android_device.start_navigation
- Filter code method
- AndroidDevice.startNavigation.skip(string?: reason)
- Runtime method
- runAction("android_device.start_navigation", {})
Action fields
- Label
- Navigation type
- Slug
- navigation_method
- Required
- true
- Can have default value
- true
- Filter code method
- AndroidDevice.startNavigation.setNavigation Method(string: navigation_method)
- Label
- Enter a destination
- Helper text
- e.g. San Francisco
- Slug
- query
- Required
- true
- Can have default value
- true
- Filter code method
- AndroidDevice.startNavigation.setQuery(string: query)