Instant Action Trio
Popular Times Gate workflows & automations
Alarm set off This trigger fires when a alarm is started.
Countdown meter ended The down clock is finished.
Celebrations alert set off Celebrations start.
Celebrations alert stopped Celebrations alert stopped
Start countdown meter This action will start down clock on a TimesGate.
Start stopwatch This action will start timer on Times Gate.
Turn on screen This action will open screen on device.
Turn off screen This action will close screen on device.
Display message This action will display message on device.
Play animation This action will play gif on Times Gate.
Switch whole clock interface This action will choose whole clock on TimesGate.
Switch indepence clock interface The action is to switch to an independent control
Switch TimesGate clock interface This action will choose clock to display on TimesGate.
Switch ambient light effect This action will choose a ambient light effect