When you start bicycling, automatically send an SMS from your Android device to any phone number
Popular Android Activity workflows & automations
When you start running with Android Activity, automatically add a row to Google Sheets.
When you stop bicycling with Android Activity, automatically add a row to Google Sheets.
When you stop driving with Android Activity, automatically add a row to Google Sheets.
Automatically add a Google Calendar event when you start driving with Android Activity.
Automatically add a Google Calendar event when you stop driving with Android Activity.
When you start driving with Android Activity, automatically add a row to Google Sheets.
When you stop running with Android Activity, automatically add a row to Google Sheets.
When you start bicycling with Android Activity, automatically add a row to Google Sheets.
When you start driving, automatically mute your ringtone
When you stop driving, automatically unmute your ringtone
when you start driving